Songs on repeat

It is 22:30 on a Friday night. My boyfriend is out with friends. My friends are out with friends. I am sat in my living room with two laptops. On one of them “Feel” by Robbie Williams is playing on repeat. And I do mean repeat. On the other one, a presentation about intestinal stem cells and cancer is slowly taking shape. Next week I am talking about my research at a school in London and I want to do it well. Safari is open in the background. The latest tab reveals facebook, where I am chatting with a friend who is in the same situation. We are both in a fragile state of mind. We are both fighting the urge to drop things and go enjoy a drink and socialise. And we are discussing a ranking of Britney Spears’ songs. Toxic wins. But in between those desperate calls for help we are actually working, or should I say “sciencing”. Because really, this is not work, it is something else. It is a lifestyle, a life choice. And we will stick to it. (Right?) Things may change but as they stand at the moment, there are few things that could excite me more than a negative crypt (see: or a good piece of Kras sequencing data. I’ve always been relatively nerdy but now I think all hope is lost. Science has me. Feel has probably just played for the 30th time today. Time for a change? Nah, I got too much science running through my veins. Going to waste. And I need to feel, real stem cells. Ok I’m actually going crazy now. It’s now 22:40. I think I’m ready now.
(What for – I don’t know. But I had to somehow round this off with the end of that stupid song)
